Intervention Evaluation

Course: Performance System Technology. Spring 2020 Assignment: Create an infographic to teach the most important information about intervention evaluation—overview, planning, and implementing—and provide my rationale. Response: Evaluation is the foundation of a successful Performance Improvement Intervention. The three main types (formative, summative, and confirmative) form one  part of the support.…

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Organizational Communication Intervention

March 2020: Partnered project to create a website to teach classmates about Organizational Communication Interventions (Chapter 15 of our textbook) using Google Sites. Video was made using Adobe Spark. All graphics came from Pixabay (royalty-free/creative commons licensed images). Created chalkboard and caution signs using Photoshop. In order to embed video,…

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Performance Analysis Graphic

Course: Performance System Technology. Spring 2020 Assignment: Design a graphic organizer to compare and contrast and share what you have learned in your reading regarding the following: performance analysis, organizational analysis, environmental analysis, gap analysis, cause analysis. Response: From the readings, I got the impression that the organizational, environmental, gap,…

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Job Aid: Adding a YouTube Video to Kaltura

Course: Universal Differentiated Instructional Design and Development Assignment: Create a job-aid for UAB Teaching Faculty that provides step-by-step instructions for technology they are likely to use. In my initial iteration of this assignment (November 2019), I didn't care for the layout or size of the images. I had done them based…

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Trapped in Love: A Memoir on Marriage, Parenting, and Loss (B.A. English Lit, Honors Thesis)

Why "Trapped in Love"? In 2010, we had a son, Keith Alton. Our daughter was 7 years old at the time and had long blond hair. She would hover over him in his bouncy seat, making it so it was just her face and his inside a wall of blond…

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